Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Bad, bad things.

Something terrible has happened. The neighborhood my legacy was in has disappeared. Just gone. I know this is common with the game, but this is the third time it's happened to me. I'm a little tired of it.

This means my legacy is gone as well. There isn't any retrieving it. I really liked this family too, and I was all excited about the next heir. (Her name was Tulip and she was gorgeous!)

But life sucks and then you move on, right? So, here's where things stand right now.

I started a new neighborhood for a new legacy. This time I did not name it Radley like I normally do. Radley is cursed in so many ways, not just in the Sims either. Read my book and you'll understand. What's the new name of the town? I'm not telling at this point. Neener neener. :)

New neighborhood means new legacy. I thought about doing an uglacy, but I chose not to. The founder is a male as per the suggestion of my friend and biggest fan, Traci. I'm not saying his name at this point either.

I've been playing for the past couple of days, and all seems well. Generation two is being birthed as we speak.

I'm changing some other things as well. I finally learned how to make my own random town people and have been adding them in to the game. I'm damn tired of marrying the same Sims over and over.

If this legacy blows up, I'm going to try something even more different. Like really, really different. Uglacy be damned, I'm going for weirdacy.

But until that happens, we'll just happily concentrate on our newest legacy. Hopefully I'll have an update soon.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Asherwood Generation 2.2

Long time, no update. Never fear, the Asherwood clan is still alive and kicking! Well, most of them anyway. However, there were quite a few changes going on for awhile, so I'm going to post those now and get them out of the way. Are you ready?

First, let's show how Allem decided to pop out of the wall and scare the living crap out of Birch. Birch was not amused in the least. Why was Allem so cranky?

He was mad because he thought I got rid of his bed. Always a sure way to make any Sim ghost madder than hell.
So why did I move his bed? Because it was time to build the family a new house! Yes, I finally told myself to suck it up and build them a pretty house once and for all.

It's huge! And the outside of it is ugly! The inside is gorgeous though, and I would love to live in a house like it. Without kids, of course. Because you know kids are just going to get their grubby little hand prints everywhere. Hell, if I want it to stay pretty, I probably shouldn't live there either. I tend to clutter things up rather badly. ::looks around bedroom. cringes::

It's huge!!! The new piano sits just inside the front door. To the left is the living room, and the kitchen extends toward the back. Don't you just want to go running and screaming through the rooms just for the sheer joy of it? Or maybe roller skating!!! (This is why I should never live in a house like this.)

A closer picture of Birch playing piano and walls actually up this time so you get an idea of how the house really looks.
(Please note that Birch is just like any other man, wearing socks with his sandals. Why do guys feel this is a fashion statement?)

The kitchen, complete with smelly bottle. Yes, that's a fish pond in the corner. I just love that little fish pond. If I had one in my kitchen, I'd forever be dropping food into it to see what the fish would and wouldn't eat. "Here, fishies, want some scrambled eggs? Ewwww...fishy spit the scrambled egg back out! Gross! Let's try some toast next..."

Poplar shows off the Japanese tea table. I have no clue why I didn't get a better picture of this. I thought the tea table looked adorable there, but I worried that the family would forever be needing to use the bathroom.

OK, new house picture spam time!

The master bedroom.

The master bath (with a view of the backyard patio). You'll notice there are two of everything so Buck and Viv could be together more often. Isn't that sweet? OK, so I made the rooms way too frickin' big in this house and was being a smart ass by the time I got to the second floor decorating. Still, it was a funny idea!

The boys' bedroom.

Girls' room.

Games room.

Music area.

Part of the hobby room. I didn't take pictures of all of it. I was really pleased with how it came out though and wished for something like it for my crafts and such.

The third floor, mainly to be used for bed storage so that I wouldn't have future generations of cranky ghosts everywhere. I figured it would also store new career reward stuff and so on.

Speaking of the ghosts, I didn't forget Allem and Erin.

The new pool which I totally fell in love with and wish I  had one of my own. Complete with pool boy, of course.

The rest of the yard.

All in all, not a bad house. It took me forever to make and decorate, but I was very happy with how it turned out. OK, so I needed to redo the exterior, big deal.

I hope you didn't get too attached to the house though.

It no longer exists.

Yeah, really.


Mostly because it was too frickin' huge, and it was making my computer lag. My computer normally does not lag at all, and it was driving me insane!!! Plus it took forever to get Sims from Point A to Point B. I was ticked off I needed to delete and start over, but such is the life.

There were some other irritating things though. It seems that the Asherwood's friends loved the new house too and were annoying to have around.

This chick came back. Remember her? She was from a challenge I started and then decided to do away with. I deleted her and her lot, but she keeps coming back on her own. I'm going to give her a death token next time I see her. She came over and decided to play the piano. Now I like when Sims with some creative talent play the piano. It's pleasant to listen to. However, this chick has no talent. At all. All I heard for Sims hours on end was her banging at the keys. I even had Birch tell her to go home, and she started playing again anyway. I think Buckeye finally had to pull out a gun or something to make her go away. OK, so not really, but you get the idea.

Tina Traveller's parents decided to visit and wouldn't leave the Japanese tea table alone. Buckeye kept telling them to go home, and they just kept pouring more tea.

Viv and Buck decided to celebrate their new home by lots of wild sex. So naturally Mr. Traveller decides to come upstairs and see if he can get in on the action. *sigh*

Shortly after this little fiasco, I built the other house. I'm not as fond of it, but at least my computer doesn't lag. Maybe I'll redo it at some point. I don't know. You'll see it in the next installment, plus we'll get back to the story line.

About Me

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I'm a mom with four sons who writes, goes to college, crochets, and studies quantum physics for fun. The purpose of writing is to write, and I am aggravated by space constraints elsewhere. Here you will find various odds and ends, including things about my life, my kids, my various projects, and other random bits that interest me.