Photos are at varying degrees of sharpness. The new graphics card has me wondering what photos are too sharp and which ones could be sharper. Hey, I never said I was a genius at this photoshop stuff, ok?
Does this photo look familiar? ;)
Meet Erin Asherwood, the heir to the new Asherwood Legacy. She's a family Sim. I can't remember her stats to be honest. She's a Capricorn, sloppy, sorta grumpy, and I believe outgoing. I don't remember the rest. Like it really matters all that much anyway. Her life's desire is to reach the top of the education career. That's good because the education career gets the nifty bookcase, and I like that!
Isn't Erin adorable though? I was going to do the "go through five random Sims and the fifth is the heir" rule, but she was my first roll and I loved her to bits. :D
This is the outside of her little house. I didn't buy her as large of a lot as the rules call for, and that made it easier to get her some things she could use right away. Like a bed, refrigerator, and toilet. I never thought they needed such a large lot to begin with, and it's not like I'm playing by strict rules anyway. I'm not using any cheats (yet), so she has to earn the Simoleons she'll need for material possessions.
And yes, I didn't take the picture until it was dark outside. Oops. The truth is I had forgotten about an outside picture, so this photo is a bit out of sequence. You'll understand in a minute.
The inside layout. The blue flowery things are the ceiling lamps. She actually has a shower and toilet! And a smoke alarm! Oh sure, her bed is in with the living room and kitchen, but at least she can pee in private!
Some neighbors came by to welcome Erin to the neighborhood. Now here's where things get a little weird. See the guy sitting down and the lady standing up? They were people I created in the town of Radley when I was playing with the new graphics card. The girl was going to go through this whole suffering challenge thing, but I got bored with it and deleted her before I started this legacy. I mean really deleted her, as well as everyone else in Radley. They went into the trash bin and all of the lots were erased. Erin moved into a newly cleaned town. And yet two of the people I had deleted showed back up.
The standing guy is a townie per the game. I'm still trying to figure out how these other two still magically appeared.
Notice how Erin seems a little embarrassed? When it started to rain, everyone started looking around like WTF? and I realized I had forgotten to put a roof on the house. Yeah, my bad. And here I was all proud that I remembered to give her everything like a kitchen sink and lights! I always forget something. Always.
Wait, where's my pants?
Since the whole idea for a legacy is to get the heir married off and knocked up right away, I took a close look at the two men to decide if they were potential sperm donors. The standing guy, aka Kennedy Cox, was definitely out as far as I'm concerned, but the other guy would do. Except that I had created him, and the rules say they have to marry townies. But then, I don't follow the rules all that well. I decided to give her some alone time with the other guy, so I had her tell everyone else goodbye. Then this happened:
She passionately kissed Kennedy goodbye. She barely knew the guy, and she's put her tongue in his mouth. Had she been a romance sim, I'd have understood. Obviously I needed to take charge quickly.
After all, which guy would you choose?
Or him?
Now had I chosen to do an uglacy, I'd have gone for the first guy. But I'm not doing an uglacy and can choose whomever I want, so there! Neener neener!
Erin worked her charm on the guy and then invited him over again the next day after work.
Awwww....look! He fell in love with her!
What's with the new addition to the house?
Um, yeah, about that. You'll notice from time to time that there's suddenly a new room or something has been redecorated. I didn't take a picture for every house expansion, so you'll just have to deal. Not only did Erin get a job in the education field right away, she also got a promotion and pay raise! Hence, she got a new bedroom.
She made him dinner and didn't even burn it!
You know, from the side he sorta looks like Tom Cruise with a big nose.
Kelli, are you ever going to tell us his name?
Um, yeah, I guess I should. His name is Allem.
Typo! Typo! You meant Allen and typed Allem! Hahahaha!!!!
Nooooo....I meant Allem. Seriously, that's his name. I was going to name him Allen, but Jacob was in here with me and insisted that his name be Allem. It was easier to do as he asked than to argue with him. I really have to pick my battles with that kid.
They cuddled on the couch and watch TV for awhile. Aren't they sweet?
She's too cute for him.
In true Sim tradition, they got engaged in the bathroom. All important events in a Sim's life happen in the bathroom. I haven't quite figured out why.
Obviously Erin thinks the engagement is a pile of shit. Hey, maybe this is why important events happen in the bathroom!
She marries him anyway. Let's see, she just took a big ol' dump and they're getting married in the stench. She may be a family Sim, but I don't think she likes marriage much. Which may be why she has a negative memory about the marriage. Seriously, she was upset that she got married. I need to see if that's a glitch in the Expansion Pack or something because it annoys the crap out of me. Family sims should be happy about getting married.
As per Sim and human tradition, sex was had soon afterward. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of the purple hearts that normally come up. With the new graphics card, I now get the little videos that come with the game. My old card couldn't handle them, so they just never showed up. Now I get little movies of births and so on. The first sex video is pretty much Sim porn.
And seriously, I think the real life lady who does the voices for the adult female sims probably has been asked to do some voiceovers for real pornography. Her orgasm in the game is a bit too real for my liking. Kids play this game, for pity's sake!
I did make a big mistake with letting her marry Allem though. I had used a money cheat for him when I was playing, and I forgot. He came into the family with $19,000! Oops. So they didn't have to work quite as hard as they should have for a few things, big deal. I managed to spend it fast enough, but the house got an expansion!
This is the first floor. It's laid out oddly, but it will do for now. There is also a second floor, but I had to get rid of the staircase because I couldn't afford it at the time. I got it later on. At the time of this picture, there was nothing up there anyway.
Hmmm...I forgot to mention what Allem wants to be when he grows up. He wants to reach the top of the Gamer career. Not a problem. Or so I thought. The job opportunity didn't come up in the paper for a long time, so he had to take a job in the construction field for awhile. He did really well in it too.
It occurred to me that neither one of them had figured out what their main hobby would be, so I bought them an ant farm to see if they were into science. They weren't, but I kept the ant farm anyway. Ant farms are so cool.
No, seriously, they are. Quit looking at me like that!
Unfortunately, I can't get the ants to look any more clearer than that.
Teachers need to have a lot of creativity, so Erin works on increasing hers by painting. Yes, I know it's a lousy picture of her painting, but look at the palette! It looks so much sharper than it used to before the new graphics card! Isn't that cool?
Yes, there are a few pictures of "Look how cool this is!" in this update. I'm still enjoying the new graphics card quite a bit. Just be glad I got most of it out of my system before I started this legacy.
Yeah, that's what happens when you have sex. It's a proven fact. Sooner or later, you're going to get knocked up.
Well, it's either pregnancy or the fact that you've painted one hell of an ugly picture.
You know what I want to see when Sims 3 comes out? More realistic puke. Seriously, what's up with this blowing blue chunks nonsense? When is the last time you puked blue?
Don't you hate when you're putting supper on the table and you suddenly realize you're three months pregnant?
Dude, it is so not cool to talk about a crush you have while dining with your pregnant wife.
Unless, of course, she's confessing that she has a crush on her too.
And once again, here's another weird thing about this particular legacy. The girl they both have a crush on was named Tally Ho. Yes, seriously, Tally Ho. She was a part of the group that I tortured thinking I'd have the sole survivor became my new heir. Tally died in a horrible fire after I locked them in the house. Allem met Tally, but Erin never did. However, Tally often comes up in Erin's dreams with little hearts all around her.
In case you're wondering, the survivor of that particular group was Whosa Ho. He was going to be the heir to this legacy, but I downloaded something new for my game and started to experiment with him. He's now in the trash bin, unless he decides to magically show up like ol' Allem here.
Tom Cruise rubs Katie's pregnant belly.
Um, I mean, Allem rubs Erin's pregnant belly.
You know, it just occurred to me that their bathroom is ginormous. That may have to be changed in the future.
This guy walks by quite a bit. I can't remember his name, but he always reminds me of an old song from the Bob and Tom Show. Imagine a guy singing:
I wish Christy Lee was five foot four
Had a flat head and owned a liquor store.
This Sim will forever be known as Christy Lee to me. Heh.
I forgot to hit pause when I got up to get a drink, and Erin went into her final trimester. So here you go, Erin has popped two for the pregnancy.
I really gotta work on my photoshop skills. This picture is all wrong.
It's showtime!!!
Hey wait...
Fingernails! Erin has fingernails! My Sims never had fingernails before! I *lub* the new graphics card! Squee!!!
It's a boy! Meet Oak! Yes, his name is Oak. I'm going with a tree theme. If you had a family with the last name of Asherwood, what sort of theme would you go with, huh?
Oak has his mom's skintone, and the same eye color as both parents. Yeah, there's not going to be a lot of genetic diversity with this generation.
Now that Erin can go back to work, she starts getting promotions on a regular basis.
Which soon earns her The Bookcase of Wonder!
Pretty, isn't it? You can learn anything with The Bookcase of Wonder. With normal bookcases, the Sims can learn Parenting, Mechanical, Cooking, and Cleaning skills. TBOW adds Logic, Charisma, and other such things. Or maybe just logic and charisma. I don't remember. Anyway, they learn faster too! I like when I can send one of these little babies off to college.
She's supposed to be browsing the web for cuisine articles. Does that look like cuisine to you? It's like saying you get Playboy for the articles. OK, maybe not exactly like that.
Time for Oak to toddler up!
Not digging the hair. Time for a makeover. Plus I really need to download some new toddler clothes.
Poor Oak seems to suffer from allergies.
Bless you.
He looks...evil. It's the eyes. He just looks...evil.
Oak thinks he's a frickin' genius because he put the square peg in the square hole. It took him awhile though.
Evil learns to use the potty.
What the hell is your problem?
Another kid on the way huh? Let's hope this next one isn't the son of Satan. Or the real Tom Cruise. Same thing.
Oak became a full-fledged kid. He's kind of cute. That's how they trick you, you know. Those evil, I mean, demons. They're all cute and adorable so that they can turn you to their evil ways.
Awwww...a family portrait! Isn't it sweet? Erin is blowing blue chunks for her second pregnancy, Oak is happily oblivious as he heads towards the shower, and Allem is all proud that he's the one who had sex with Erin and got her in the miserable condition that she's in. This is what I like about Scientologists, they always have a close family unit.
The proof is in the pop. Erin is officially on maternity leave.
Oak thanks Xenu for giving him an A+ report card.
Oh man, laboring at night sucks.
Like I said earlier. No genetic diversity in this generation. Hopefully he's not a clone of his brother.
Meet Buckeye, aka Buck.
Allem attempts to fix the broken computer and gets the shock of his life. All I could think was, "If you die now, I'll only have two look-alike kids to choose from for an heir." I wonder if it's ok to have her remarry if Allem should die in the near future. Surely it would be, right? Hmmm... I may have to make up a rule I'm comfortable with on this one. Maybe the heir could only get remarried if there aren't any kids (because what choice would I really have then?). Otherwise, I think I'll just be stuck with whatever child(ren) I have. However, she can marry an elder if her husband dies. I'm worried about there being too many elders running about town.
Tom is ready to dedicate Buck's soul to Xenu. Or maybe it's just Buck's birthday. I forget.
I fear that Buck is the clone of Oak. While that seems appropriate for Scientology, it's not going to cut it with my game.
That's it for Gen. 1.0. I'll be playing more later today most likely. I seem to be having trouble getting back into the swing of my commentary. I'll work on it. I promise.